Witches and wizards alike are more viable than ever. Might and Magic: Enemy resistances are squashed down to size and bosses no longer generate immunities on higher difficulties, gaining other buffs instead.With an even playing field, any sufficiently planned build is viable. Superior Balance: Thanks to an in-depth reworking of core game skills and mechanics, the Damage Meta is a thing of the past.Telekinetic instant kills, infinite resurrection chains and sniping enemies miles away outside of combat have been scripted into oblivion. Not in the mood for cheese?: The game’s craziest exploits have been reined in for a tighter, more challenging experience.Build Freedom: Offering more build freedom than ever before, Divinity Unleashed puts hybrid parties, healers and tanks on even footing with a comprehensive overhaul of character progression.Even modded statuses have been predictively altered to fit this style. Turns Galore: Turn-skipping status effects have been made scarce, allowing for faster-paced combat.Lightweight and Immersive: Divinity Unleashed's features are unintrusive and let you pile on as many mods as you want, letting you play the game your way.New mechanics: Cooldown reduction, status extension and more add a fresh coat of paint to the gameplay you love.Instead, statuses from both the base game and other mods have been rebalanced for immediate application.

Status Simplicity: No status, even from mods, is resisted by armour or any other kind of mechanic.Hybrid parties are better than ever before. Armour Overhaul: No longer acting as two separate HP bars, the armour you build now behaves as static damage reduction.If you still have trouble installing, refer to Odinblade's How to install Norbyte's script extender guide. Follow the instructions on the latest release.You must install it first! Norbyte's Script Extender is a powerful new tool that makes features like cooldown reduction, status extension and stat modification possible. This mod requires Norbyte's Script Extender.