What happened to the dwemer
What happened to the dwemer

what happened to the dwemer

The Falmer were a proud people gifted with an unusually high affinity for magic. With a bitter resentment for all other races, the Falmer are a force to be reckoned with. Retreating further underground they eventually lost their eyesight and became the twisted creatures they are now. The Dwemer made them eat a blinding fungus as part of the agreement. They forged an uneasy alliance with the Dwemer, but were then betrayed and almost wiped out for unknown reasons.

what happened to the dwemer

However, war with the Nords during the first arrival of Nords in Skyrim caused them to retreat underground. The Falmer used to be a race of elves called the Snow Elves. The great statue of Irkngthand is the only known visual representation of a Snow Elf, other than Snow Elves introduced in the Dawnguard DLC, before centuries of subterranean slavery twisted almost all of the race into the vile Falmer. They have but one desire - to destroy the surface world, and any who dwell above. The Falmer are twisted, evil creatures that dwell in Skyrim's deepest reaches. The Falmer, once known as the Snow Elves, are a race of Mer who lived in the province of Skyrim, in the north of Tamriel.

What happened to the dwemer