Jonathan Hensleigh, the director of the 2004 movie, had an intense dislike of the character.

He then shoots Jim, while Jigsaw, enraged, shoots Micro in the head, killing him instantly. Micro tells The Punisher to shoot him, wanting to save the family's life, and Frank agrees, asking for forgiveness and telling him that he won't feel anything, at least. When The Punisher breaks in Jigsaw's base, the criminal forces him to choose who's to be saved: if he choses Micro, Jigsaw will shoot Grace Donatelli, if he choses Grace, Loony Bin Jim will shoot Micro. When Jigsaw discovers Micro's existence, he has his mother killed and kidnaps him, in order to take him hostage. He then tells Carlos Cruz, a former criminal that he has rehabilitated, to help The Punisher find Maginty and gives them both new weapons. He manages, at least, to convince him to kill Jigsaw and his brother first, and then reconsider his position. Micro tries to convince him not to do this, claiming that there's need of people like Castle in the world. When Nicky Donatelli is killed, The Punisher wishes to stop his vigilante activity and goes to Microchip in order to inform him. He lives with his physically disable mother and helps Castle in his war against crime providing him weapons. Linus Lieberman, Micro for friends, is the secret armorer of The Punisher, a source of information on criminals' activities and his only friend.