Use a word processor to 'assemble' your document and copy/ paste the content into a note Use a word processor to 'assemble' your document outside of Evernote then attach that file to a note Paste the Snagit shot to your desktop, using an Import Folder to get it into Evernote Paste the Snagit shot to your desktop, then copy paste from there into Evernote Use different screen cap software - there are thousands of apps offering the option, including Evernote itself: Use Evernote Helper for quick notes and screenshots There are so many options here I hardly know where to start. Paint presumably renders the image as PNG or JPG content which Evernote 10 can handle. It's a fairly safe guess that your issue is something to do with the format in which Windows is pasting screen grabs into Evernote, which is apparently not to v10's taste.